Current status of agricultural mechanization development

Current status of agricultural mechanization development


The main purpose of agricultural mechanization is to use mechanical equipment to replace human labor, complete agricultural production operations through agricultural machinery, and reduce the input of human labor. Agricultural machinery is widely used in the agricultural production process, plays an important role in improving agricultural production efficiency, and can improve production efficiency and increase food production. Agricultural mechanization is an important productive force in the development of modern agriculture. It can accelerate the progress and development of agriculture, increase grain yields, increase farmers' income, and create better economic benefits. In the development process of agricultural mechanization, due to the influence of regional economic development level, topography and other factors, the development of agricultural mechanization has major regional characteristics. During the development of agricultural mechanization, agricultural machinery is widely used in Tibet, Inner Mongolia and other places, and agricultural machinery is basically used to complete grain production. The Northeast region has relatively flat terrain and abundant land resources, making it easier to use mechanization to carry out grain production operations, thus ensuring the increase in the utilization rate of agricultural machinery in the Northeast region. However, the terrain in Guangdong, Tianjin and other regions is relatively complex, and is affected by the natural environment and geographical location, resulting in a low degree of application of mechanical equipment. The structure of agricultural machinery products is unbalanced during the development process. In the future development process, the structure of machinery products should be continuously improved.

agricultural mechanization

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